looking for new and fun painting ideas? Here are eight Creativebug Classes sure to get your creativity flowing!
Did you know that you can access a whole host of online crafting classes for free with your library card? Follow this link to create an account using your Winding Rivers Library Card. https://www.creativebug.com/lib/wrls
We hope this list will inspire you do some crafting of your own.
First up is this imaginative class using acrylic ink.
“Artist, instructor, and textile enthusiast Missy Dunaway explores why we collect textiles, where they come from, and what can they teach us as artists, all through the medium of acrylic ink. In this class you’ll follow along in order to capture and recreate heirloom textiles of your own, using the examples of a quilt, a carpet, and a scarf.”
Looking for something a bit more challenging? This class takes an in-depth look at recreating beautiful scenes using acrylic ink.
“In this class, Missy works with acrylic ink to render two complex scenes that capture the romance and nostalgia of the moment. In each painting, she mixes nuanced shades from a limited selection of colors and works in loads of detail. Missy shares her technique for mixing ink on the page, pushing and pulling elements until reaching the desired effect. Finally, she shows how to re-evaluate the darks and lights to pull the image into dazzling balance.”
Discover the wonders of intuitive painting with abstract artist Flora Bowley in this three part series on Creativebug! From gathering inspiration, to creating your masterpiece this class takes you step by step through the process.
“Immerse yourself in the world of abstract artist and intuitive painter Flora Bowley. In this epic three-part course, you’ll not only learn how to observe the world around you and tap into your creative intuition, but also how to take a brave, curious and open-minded approach to painting with acrylics.”
Are you a total beginner? Start here!
“Feeling artistic but intimidated because you don’t think you can draw? Molly shares her process of creating a piece of art based on found imagery. She covers where to source material as well as how to group and gather elements into a painting. The final image is translated through your own hand – with all the artistic charm and none of the self-doubt that too often creeps into creating art.”
Create a striking design with ease by following this watercolor class!
“This project appeals to a range of personalities, since you can be loose with creating the watercolor effect and then add structure with a crisp silhouette. Christine shows you different watercolor techniques to build texture and dimension, from layered washes to dry brushing and splattering. The result is a fresh update on the classically Victorian way to capture the likeness of someone you adore.”
Learn how to capture the beauty of nature through watercolor!
“Be inspired by images of the outdoors or pull from your own travel photography in this landscape painting class, taught by artist Kristy Rice. Learn how to visually break down a landscape into three separate planes and paint them using watercolor washes. Then, add detail and dimension with watercolor pens. Whether you’re an avid traveler or love to paint from reference, Kristy demonstrates how to infuse your brushstrokes with emotion in order to capture the feeling of a place.”
Have you always wanted to try oil painting? Start with this class!
“Oil painter, Erika Lee Sears, creates an original piece of art everyday. She breaks down the age-old tradition of oil painting and makes it easy and accessible, from mixing colors, to playing with shadows and light, to the final varnish. Whether you’re a curious beginner or seasoned painter, there will be tips and tricks in this crash course for everyone.”
Here is another great three part class for those just getting into painting.
“Get a firm foundation in acrylic painting with this fun three-part series taught by artist and professor Lisa Solomon. Lisa covers the basics of Acrylic Painting for Beginners, from learning about different tools and brushstrokes to creating your very own masterpiece. This class is chock-full of information, so grab your paints and get ready for an engaging journey in Acrylics 101.”