September is Deaf Awareness Month and Library Card Sign-up Month!

The Knutson Memorial Library is ushering in an exciting era with our newly announced Sign Language Society. To celebrate Deaf Awareness Month we are asking you to check out our ASL Alphabet and Number resources available at the circulation desk and consider joining us as Charter Members of the Sign Language Society! In this active group we will have fun celebrating diversity, fostering inclusivity, and embracing the power of language this fall and winter!
In collaboration with the esteemed Oklahoma School for the Deaf (OSD) and under the guidance of our new Library Director, Chelsey Myhre Foster, we proudly present an educational opportunity that not only enriches our community members’ lives but also fosters inclusivity and cultural awareness. The following programs will be offered next quarter:

ASL 1: Silent Signs for Starters All Tuesdays October and November 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
The Sign Language Society invites you to embark on a captivating journey into the realm of American Sign Language. These engaging after-school sessions, are thoughtfully designed to support the schedule of local students. Whether you’re taking your very first steps into the world of ASL or are looking to rekindle your signing skills, the Sign Language Society warmly welcomes individuals of all ages and experience levels. Get ready for an exciting exploration of the silent signs that will open doors to cool conversations and connections you may have never imagined possible.
ASL 2: Ennobling Your ASL Journey All Mondays and Wednesdays in December 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM.
Building upon the foundation of ASL 1: Silent Signs for Starters, our ASL 2: Ennobling Your ASL Journey class offers a thrilling opportunity to enhance your ASL proficiency and elevate your skills. ASL 2 delves deeper into the language, allowing you to expand your communication skills and build upon your foundational knowledge. Join us in this journey as we seek a higher proficiency in American Sign Language.
To Register: Follow this link to complete the KML-SLS Registration form, complete the information on the back and return to your teacher, or contact the library!
To have a Librarian enroll you in The Sign Language Society and ASL 1 and/or ASL 2 classes, please complete the online KML Sign Language Society form by September 25, 2023. You may also call or visit our library in person to complete your registration with assistance. Access to the OSD online material is time sensitive. We encourage you to join us as we embark on a truly enriching journey!